by John Grant
(Octagon Press, 1992)
In answer to questions from Western students,
these are the indications of a genuine Sufi master...
1. Has a strong sense of humor and shows it frequently
2. Wears, most of the time, the clothes of the country wherein he lives
3. Speaks that country's language perfectly, has no foreign accent
4. Supports himself by his own labor
5. Knows at least one of the classical languages, Persian and Arabic
6. Ordinarily eats the wholesome food of the country where he dwells
7. Does not indulge in or require chants, repetitions, prayers, etc., as supposed parts of Sufi behavior
8. Shuns music within a Sufi context
9. Has no physical relations or familiarity with his disciples
10. Does not allow his disciples to leave the world or cut communication with their relatives and friends.
11. Recognizes that all Sufi orders and books are temporary formulae and not to be applied automatically at all times and to all people.
From the Appendix to Travels in the Unknown East, by John Grant (Octagon Press, 1992).